Acknowledgement that a handwritten signature is valid

Acknowledgement that a handwritten signature is valid

When performing certain legal activities, there is a need to identify oneself with the use of certified documents or perform the legal activity in a special form, for example with a notary’s certification that the handwritten signature in a document is valid. In order to do that, a notary needs to be presented with an ID card or passport which confirms the identity of the signatory. The signature may be made in the presence of the notary, who will certify it. It also may be made earlier. The person who signed the document should acknowledge the authenticity of the signature in the presence of a notary, which shall subsequently be included by the notary in the certification clause. A certification that a handwritten signature is valid shall contain:

  • date and place of its drafting,
  • designation of the notary office,
  • the notary’s signature,
  • the notary’s stamp.

Additionally, a certification may include the exact time (up to a minute) of executing this notarial act.

A written form with a notarially certified signature is one of the special document forms required e.g. for: power of attorney for certain legal activities, share sales agreement for companies limited by shares, company sale argeement, all kinds of statements regarding financial and non-financial matters, signature specimens taken from members of legal person bodies (companies, cooperatives).

Payments related to certification that a handwritten signature is valid

Certification that a handwritten signature is valid is subject to the notarial fee of:

  • on documents, if the subject is defined with a monetary sum – 1/10 of a maximum payment which would apply if the documnt was drafted as a notarial deed, but no more than 300 zł + 23% VAT,
  • on power of attorney and other documents – 20 zł + 23% VAT.

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